Protestors were met with police brutality on Sunday July 9, 2023 at La Parguera in Lajas, Puerto Rico. The people were protesting illegal construction on the beach that has destroyed mangroves, a crucial first line of defense against hurricanes that prevent the coast from getting pushed back. Several complaints have been made to the Department of Natural Resources/Environment (DRNA) but there have been no investigations (per usual) similar to the building of The Cliff in Aguadilla that was discussed in our last post. The illegal construction was carried out by the family of Jenniffer González, the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, who also sits on the House Committee on Natural Resources (joined by AOC and Nydia Velazquez who remain silent). González has no right being on a committee while her family destroys our land and as she allows for the plundering of our resources by Americans on a daily basis. Protestors were tear gassed, physically assaulted, and arrested for no reason by a police special unit. The people were simply completing the job that the court ordered, to remove the illegal construction and to restore the land. Protestors will appear in court, donate to support them on PayPal using the email and follow @campcareypr on Instagram for further updates.

Boricuas are fighting to protect the land, the water, our bioluminescent bays, the manatees, the mangroves, and more. We condemn the Puerto Ricans that sell our lands and waters to gringos under Act 60. We condemn the Puerto Ricans that destroy our lands and waters by building illegally and selling out their own people for a quick buck. The police around the world protect the rich and their capital as they work against the interests of working class people. It is up to us to denounce police brutality and to fight against it wherever it may occur. It is also up to us to fight capitalism as it continues to kill the planet. Only the implementation of socialism globally and the return of lands to indigenous peoples around the world will save it.


“Policia de Puerto Rico, instrumento de los ricos!”



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